came down sideways again. We survived, and the Easy-Up is intact.. Actually I think mother nature is pissed that we have an Easy-UP...Just sayin'...
Temps hovering around 100 still these oil workers come to work. Did I mention they come to work in their air conditioned truck?
With 11 well sites and unknown #of wells in various stages of completion the traffic is horrible. I sure hope they finish something soon....I do have a question tho... our sign in sheets show that most visitors stay less than 1 hour. How do they get anything done? We do have visitors that return 3 and 4 times per day, we sign them in and out every time. We think it is easier than trying to look it up. We tried that approach at a lesser gate and found that they will tell you that they have been in and they actually haven't.Yesterday I had a fellow tell me that he had come through the gate twice before. That's fine I told him but It will be much faster if you just sign and move the line along.....All you have to do he says is look back at 5am your wife signed me in....Whoa!! Wait !!! I, ME MYSELF was on duty. I just smiled and said please sign here there are people behind you sir!
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