The good news is It was a great day with family... The bad news is it is my 70th birthday. Gettin' old ain't what it used to be. Gonna start counting backwards from now on.
Uggg it sounds like things are a changin' at the oil farm, may have some thinking to do. Just can't seem to justify travel to and from TX for any less than $150.00 We are planning on doing a 4 to 6 months this time but want to stay out of the political/ financial BS.
Just so ya know..our propane company sold or gave up the territory around us to another company. This company has a 60 gal min. delivery. This equates to nearly $325.00 so we decided to go with a monthly pay rate rather than drop that sort of dough this time of year. They were supposed to deliver the propane last week. On Friday I called and asked WTF and got some sort of "OH! golly u are in the computer but it didn't print bla bla". Out tank is at 20 % and we are getting close to the Thanksgiving cooking, plus it has turned a bit cooler. It sure seem like we are back in the oilfield waiting on the water truck!!!!
I have friend that once ran away to join a circus, really but just for one season. He has now sold everything in Oldfart AZ. and bought a sailboat. He is now in Boonieville,FL. getting the boat ready to sail. Tomorrow he will set sail and spend the night very close to where I live. With any kind of luck I will be able to meet up with him. He is sailing from the west coast of FL around to Tampa and from there he intends to call the Bahamas home.
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